Donations and Tithes
Contributions are welcomed and gratefully accepted. If you desire to send your donations, tithes, and offerings to support the work of New Birth Community Baptist Church in reaching out to others with the Gospel message of REACH, TEACH, and RELEASE, please select one the following methods to contribute:
Q & A about using PayPal
To make a safe and tax-deductible online donation or monthly tithes, please click on Donate button below:
Q & A about using PayPal
To make a safe and tax-deductible online donation or monthly tithes, please click on Donate button below:
Your contributions and tithes helps impact God's work
To make contributions by mail, please address your contributions to:
New Birth Community Baptist Church Post Office Box 2050 Cedar Park, Texas 78613 In accordance with good stewardship, New Birth Community Baptist Church annually gives you an accounting all your contributions, and a statement of its income and expenditures for the year. God bless you for your donation, it will help us secure our place of worship and allow us to continue serving the Central Texas and Hill Country communities. New Birth Community Baptist Church is a non profit organization. |